A Brief Biography
Why choose Rhonda as your Canadian Registry Therapist?
As a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (RMFT), Rhonda is part of a highly trained group of family focused psychotherapists practicing in Ontario. In other words, she is a “relationship specialist” and “mental health generalist” – trained to help individuals, couples, and families resolve personal and work related problems.
I want to see you succeed and be happy, as individuals, as couples, and as families. I look forward to meeting you!
She has solid training in the developmental stages of personal, family, and relationship growth with specialized training and experience in:
- Couple and Marriage Therapy, using two of the most highly acclaimed, empirically-based models available today. These are Gottman Method Couples Therapy (GMCT), and Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFCT). Rhonda uses these models synergistically as each is proven to support people in achieving a high degree of success in couple and other relationships.
- Trauma Re-processing Therapy, with full certification in Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), one of the most highly regarded methods for the resolution of past and present traumatic experiences. Rhonda is registered with EMDRIA and EMDR Canada.
- Spiritual Care Counselling, having attained extensive Pastoral Care Education and training.
- Supervisory qualifications through the AAMFT (American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy), as a licensed Clinical Fellow, that have prepared her to train grad students wishing to enter the field.
Rhonda has a Masters Degree in the field of psychotherapy and has maintained a private practice in the tri-city area (Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge) since 2006. She has an extensive foundation in Health Sciences and Counselling which predates this. She has published peer reviewed articles and research in the area of acquired brain injury.
Please feel free to ask for and review Rhonda’s Complete Training Biography as part of your first visit to The Kane Centre.